Just what exactly is Sheryl Sandberg doing at Facebook? Who knows, but someone, albeit with a scant history, offers up a personality study of Sandberg from back in the Googleplex days. And that person, apersonattheplex, is today's featured commenter. Don't be afraid to tell us more:


Ask any Googler who has been around for a while about Sheryl and you'll get some STORIES...i'm shocked FB's board disregarded the character aspects in their surely character-reference checkups.

Sheryl has a touch of pathological liar in her in my opinion, and she's a consummate narcissist. I truly think she loved her organization and the people in it, but sadly, the archetype of her love is that of a chess player for his (her) pawns.

Get some lines she gives new hires during their "circle sessions" with Sheryl when she introduces them to Google and what "good customer service" is all about. Sheryl has the tendency to sabotage her good intentions in small pieces via bald-faced, open-faced, smily-faced whoppers and manipulative lines. But I guess thats what you do when you come from D.C....