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The deal isn't finalized yet, but AOL will acquire Colorado-based startup SocialThing, reports. Best known for a raging party it threw at this year's South By Southwest conference, SocialThing also aggregates an Internet user's feeds and activity from sites like Flickr and Twitter. If that sounds familiar, its because you've subjected yourself to the ramblings of people like Jason Calacanis, Michael Arrington or Robert Scoble who use a similar service called FriendFeed and talk about it a lot. They talk about it a lot because they think its really popular, but the truth is that FriendFeed suggests them as new friends to every user who joins the site. A thought: Wouldn't it be funny if AOL bought SocialThing because AOL dealmakers read too much Scoble, Arrington and Calacanis and so they think FriendFeed is the new, new thing and rushed out to by its closest competitor? Don't put it past the bunch that paid $850 million for Bebo.