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Yesterday, we mentioned in passing that Regis Philbin's son and daughter-in-law had told the National Enquirer that they were destitute, barely had enough food to eat, and had been turned down when they approached Rege for financial help. Could there be another side to the story, one that differs from the account in the nation's most trustworthy and reliable news publication? We have no idea, really, but Daniel Philbin, Regis' son, did contact us out of the blue yesterday to share a few additional thoughts on his famous father. His reply after the jump.

My father has been generous to me. However, we needed a little extra help, who the hell doesn't these days?

Everyone in media covers each other's asses, so I was turned away. So dad made some calls and I was muzzled: Adam Carolla, Jimmy Kimmel, Ellen DeGenerous, People magazine, Parade magazine. I have no voice, yet, thanks to a few phone calls from Regis.

This will change. I like to make change.

This whole thing began with an article in my local paper about lacking wheelchair accessibility and how it stymied my effort to gain employment.

The Enquirer called and my wife told the truth, using her name; Judy fears little. She knows what my father can be like though, because he has gotten mouthy with her, too. My wife will not be disrespected for trying to pay for food and medicines.

Thank you for paying attention.

Daniel Philbin

SON'S WIFE BEGS REGIS: HELP! [National Enquirer]