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Kendra Wilkinson's unofficial Olive Garden shilldom — which has yielded both a viral blast of OG love from the Playboy Mansion's doorstep and the resulting "Girls of Oiive Garden" pictorial featured on Playboy's Web site — took an even less tasteful turn today when the restaurant chain publicly kept its distance in The Wall Street Journal. Not that we'd emphasize that part of the story over the bigger news that Kendra Fucking Wilkinson has a WSJ etching, of course, but still — we're kind of proud of the "rogue brand ambassador"'s unwelcome spunk on behalf of a joint that deserves so little in the first place:

Ms. Wilkinson says that when she started praising the restaurant on television and on her very popular MySpace page, it never crossed her mind what the folks at Olive Garden might think. "I don't speak about it to get paid for it," she says. "I speak about it because I love it. I understand they're a family restaurant, but I think it can't hurt them to have a little spice." ...

The San Diego native says she made frequent trips to the restaurant during her childhood, developing a taste for the artichoke dip and the all-you-can-eat salad and breadsticks. She calls it "my soul food." "I love the Olive Garden so much because I grew up going there," she says. "That used to be the place we would go for Mother's Day, for birthdays. My grandpa just died, and right after his funeral, we went to the Olive Garden."

First of all, nice synergy by the Journal to get the "very popular MySpace" plug in there for Uncle Rupe. Well done, gang. Meanwhile, Olive Garden associates all but declined comment: "I don't feel comfortable talking about this...because it is a complicated issue for the brand," said the EVP the chain's ad agency. And why wouldn't it be? Go ahead and see how far you get marketing Kendra's limited-time-only Chicken Condolence Fettucine Alfredo. "When you're here, you're too cheap for a memorial" won't win any converts, you know.