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It's the holidays and the end of a horrible year, so that can only mean one thing: Everyone is consuming their body weight in alcohol! As if you needed any enticement, bars are reviving whiskey and cognac-heavy cocktails from Prohibition and the Great Depression like the Sidecar, the Old Fashioned, and the Manhattan, while Stolichnaya is going for gallows humor by promoting new drinks called Rejected Resume, Battered Bull and Welfare Punch.

You see, even though the liquor industry is, unlike most industries, doing just fine given the recession, drink companies want to make certain that any spare cash people do have is spent on liquor: "We're having to take a second look at everything we do just to ensure that we're in tune with the consumer out there, aware of what their concerns are and how they're having to adjust their lives," says a marketing exec at Bacardi. How kind! Our livers appreciate it.

Recession cocktails may take edge off dark year [Reuters]