Former Bear Stearns Exec Drops Price on Fifth

• Bruce Lisman, the former co-head of global equities at Bear Stearns, has cut the price of his apartment at 923 Fifth Ave. The four-bedroom is now $16.75 million, down from the $22.5 million he was seeking when he first put the home on the market in November of last year. [Cityfile, BHS]
• Colombian ambassador to the U.N. Claudia Blum and her husband Francisco Barberi have paid $3.9 million for a third-floor co-op at 936 Fifth Avenue, which happens to be right next door to the other apartment they bought in the building for $3.35 million earlier this month. [NYO]
• Michael Mancuso, the recently-appointed CFO of SPX, paid $2.5 million for a three-bedroom apartment at 137 Reade Street. [Cityfile]