· Was The Dark Knight, well, too dark for you? If so, then try this faithful recreation of the film's trailer — starring an adorable cast of child actors — on for size. [Wizard Universe via AOTS] · You've been RickRolled, you've been ShaniceRolled, but have you ever been BarackRolled? [Videogum] · "The new stoner is a successful career man. In a time of T.J. Mackey, The Game, and John Edwards, the successful stoner is one who can captivate women purely by making them comfortable, a functioning part of the capitalist dystopia in which we now reside." [This Recording] · The next time you need to call a taxi to get your drunk ass home safe and sound, expect it to cost about 10% more. It'll be worth it. [LAist] · "I wrote the first sentence-'If Dad hadn't shot Walt Disney in the leg, it would have been our best vacation ever!'-and the rest was automatic." - John Hughes, on writing Vacation '58, the story that would one day become National Lampoon's Vacation [Zoetrope via Alex Blagg]