For some reason, certain members of the New York Giants aren't full of warm feelings over all the press the Jets are getting for hiring Brett Favre, the 38-year-old quarterback who grudgingly signed on after he was abandoned by his beloved Green Bay Packers. But why should the Giants be miffed? It's not like they beat the obnoxious New England Patriots and deprived them of their precious perfect season in the last Super Bowl. "I'm not surprised at all. No one cares about us. Let's call it what it is," explained running back Brandon Jacobs. More griping after the jump.

"The guy got introduced like he was the president, added Antonio Pierce. "He got the Broadway sign. He's on the paper every day. That must be nice for him."

Pierce on how Favre will handle the New York media after all those years in tiny, quiet Green Bay: "I think he's going to realize the media (here) is a little different than Green Bay. He's not going to control it."

Shaun O'Hara on the Favre ceremony at City Hall: "Yeah, he already got a key to the city, too (actually, he didn't). I'm not saying the value of that key has gone down at all … it was quite a warm welcome. But I think everybody knows that in New York it doesn't last long. That's why it's such a great city to play for." [NYDN]