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This is turning out to be the week that was at MGM, where the studio celebrated Harry Sloan's recent re-upping with a bomb threat, a building evacuation and now, according to officials, a good old-fashioned anthrax scare inside MGM Tower. We hear the threat came in more than two hours ago, but MGM staff was only officially notified at 11:40. No mandatory evacuations are taking place during the investigation, though staffers have been advised, "If you feel uncomfortable remaining at the Tower you may leave upon notification to your Supervisor." Century City is the new Gotham — who knew? Follow the jump for the official e-mail making the rounds, and stay tuned for updates here as events warrant... Developing...

——- Forwarded Message From: xxxx Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2008 11:40:48 -0700 To: xxxx Conversation: MGM Tower Threat Subject: MGM Tower Threat This morning a call was received on the main MGM switchboard indicating that Anthrax would be put into the ventilation system of the MGM Tower, starting on the 20th floor. Calls were immediately placed by MGM to Building Management as well as LAPD. Building Management dispatched Engineers to examine the air conditioning systems and found no indication of tampering. These areas are secured and not accessible to tenants or guests of the building. The LAPD are conducting inspections within the building to look for evidence of tampering. As a precautionary measure, Building Management has disabled the outside air intake for the Tower. Additionally, Security escorts will be required for any contractors working in the Tower and access to mechanical and electrical rooms will be restricted. While we are not ordering an evacuation of the premises at this time, if you feel uncomfortable remaining at the Tower you may leave upon notification to your Supervisor. ###