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We've never been much of a fan of those duffel bags you see investment banking analysts carrying on the subway. But now that banking is dead, does that mean the only people who will be carrying them in the near future will be ironic hipsters who picked up their green-and-blue Lehman Brothers duffels on Ebay? Those bags pale in comparison to some of the other items that banks have stamped with their logos, though. In honor of the demise of Merrill Lynch, we trolled around to find the three most unfortunate items the firm has unleashed on humanity over the years.

In first place, there's this obscene garment bag which sports the Merrill logo and is on sale for $15. A close second: This tragic leather jacket embroidered with a red bull, which looks like it dates back to the 1980s (a Christmas present to workers in the mailroom, perhaps?), but can be yours for $50. We're going to award third prize to this stress-relieving "squeezable" barbell made of sponge. Points for recessionary utility!