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Finally, some good news in a sea of gloom: A group of scientists and ethicists is now promoting the rights of people to pop performance-enhancing stimulants like Ritalin, Adderall and Provigil. Whereas now people who want to give themselves a bit more energy have to turn to Craiglist to find someone with "ski tickets," or have to go to the trouble of faking ADHD symptoms to a doctor, in the future the ability to improve "executive function" and memory should be easily available to all, they argue.

Drugs that provide cognitive enhancement can be placed "in the same general category as education, good health habits, and information technology—ways that our uniquely innovative species tries to improve itself." We agree, and look forward to picking up a bottle of amphetamines with our vitamins and Tylenol.

Towards responsible use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by the healthy [Nature]