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Remember Tricia Walsh-Smith, the former wife of theater mogul Philip Smith, and the woman who became an internet sensation when she took to YouTube to recount her messy divorce and her former husband's fondness for Viagra and porn movies? Tricia came to mind when we read the news last night that Philip Smith was named the new chairman of the Shubert Organization, "perhaps the single most powerful position in the theatrical world." The promotion suggests the tabloid frenzy earlier this year didn't put much of a dent in Smith's professional rep, something he was clearly concerned about when the couple appeared in court this summer. (The judge said Tricia's YouTube videos represented "a calculated and callous campaign to embarrass and humiliate her husband.") But we thought we'd check in with Tricia and gather her thoughts on her ex-husband's big promotion. Here's what she had to say via email a few moments ago.

Considering my ex husband used the power of the Shubert organization to try and ruin me and the board allowed it, this appointment does not surprise me at all. The fact that they have showed no compassion for me, allowed him to kick me out of the marital home in thirty days without sharing wedding gifts or a stick of furniture after being in his life 13 years, and let my plays be pulled from not-for-profit theatres speaks for itself. I am appealing the pre-nup and will fight all the way for justice. I am also sad that misogynists and sociopaths seem to rule the world."

Oh, if you're a big Tricia fan, you may want to check out her YouTube page this evening. While her "ex-husband is celebrating his appointment, I'm celebrating the release of a single from my new album on YouTube this evening, '(I'm Going) Bonkers.'"

Tricia Walsh-Smith [Official site]