Lindsay Lohan To Plan Elaborate Gay Wedding, Divorce?

After "going gay" for Samantha Ronson, is there anything left in the tabloid till for cinema alumna Lindsay Lohan? According to the ever-reliable UK fishwrap News of the World, there is: in a bid to retake the headlines stolen by little sister Ali, Lindsay and her sapphic sweetheart Sam are planning to get hitched (an anniversary present that somehow eluded our suggestions). Says the excitable Rav Singh:
I can reveal that Lindsay will come out and declare her eternal love for sweetheart SAM RONSON at a private ceremony in LA later this year. I'm told the smitten pair will exchange vows to stay together for LIFE.
Lindsay's mum Dina has told pals that she wants to "welcome Sam into the family" with a lavish do, including drinks and canapes for Li-Lo's pals and relatives. The 22-year-old Freaky Friday star has been shopping for a white mini-dress for the occasion —and I hear she's chosen a very bridal-looking one by Chanel. And crop-haired DJ Sam, 30, has joked that she'll wear a black groom-style suit complete with a TOP HAT.
As excited as we are about a "lavish do" that promises to include drinks AND canapes, forgive us for sounding skeptical about a wedding to cap off a relationship that hasn't yet been publicly confirmed. Still, there's at least one upside to the potential ceremony: with all of their paparazzi in tow, the new Ms-and-Ms. Ronson could save a bundle on wedding photography.
[Photo Credit: X17]