The 2008 Montauk Monster Yearbook

What the hell happened last week? Yes some guy went insane on a Canadian Greyhound bus, but more importantly a monster attacked our eastern shores. Yes some sort of bloated hell best carcass washed up in Montauk recently and we provided expert cryptozoology coverage from here in our fortified bunker. We've received countless emails positing theories and declaring conclusions. It's a dog, it's a raccoon, it is actually Lizzie Grubman, it's some sort of energy bar called a Nutria, etc. Some of those emails came with pictures, whether they were side-by-side comparisons or Photoshop mashups. So we thought we'd provide a definitive Montauk Monster photo gallery for you which you can look at, if you dare, after the jump. If you have more pictures, send them along. This X-File remains open...