"A Decomposed Dog? A Monster? A Terrorist Fist Jab Incarnate?"
It was a really slow news week, so we decided to change to purview of the site to solely deal with monster hunting. It's worked out pretty well so far! As ever, we were aided by you commenters, our trusty Short Rounds. You said many funny things, six of which will be celebrated after the jump. But just know, we are all winners here. Especially me.
- From Un Chien Andalou in Dead Monster Washes Ashore in Montauk: "now I'm going to go waste a whole therapy appointment on this."
- From ineffable.me in Let a Hundred Lady Flowers Bloom: "With no sex you get eggroll."
- From Aaron Altman in Easy Questions: "THE MIDNIGHT RIDE OF WAL-MART's FEAR (EXCERPTS) By the Edelman - Wal-Mart PR Account Team..." [Continues on post]
- From Unfun in New Neighborhood Lingo Alert: Billywick: "Seriously, is it the policy of Time Out NY to interview anyone and everyone I want to kick in the nuts? If so, mission accomplished."
- From Thatcornellguy in Fox News Discredits Itself With Wildly Incorrect 'It's Not a Monster' Reportage: "A decomposed dog? A monster? A terrorist fist jab incarnate? It's the creature that everyone seems to interpret differently. "
- Your Party Pick this week goes to flipper-baby who parodied in Dead Monster Washes Ashore in Montauk: "They tied its paws, but they couldn't... [/sunglasses] pause the tide. YYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHH!"
Monstrously good work everyone! Enjoy spending your beach weekend monster hunting!