Thrillist tells us that the Brooklyn-based company STF has come with a wallet-sized "Safe Sex License" that can help prove to your partner that you're clean. Right? Right? Here's how it works:

"Sign up online, download the clinic verification form, and get tested; mail the results to STF, and they'll send a card w/ your unique member ID and photo (remember: nothing says "trust me" like Blue Steel). Then simply hand the card to whomever, reveal your secret password and ID, and tell her to dial the card's 1-800 number; she'll then be privy to the dates and results of your last two HIV/AIDS tests, irrefutable proof that you were disease-free on at least two specific occasions in the past."

Yeah. And if ANYONE is in the mood to have sex after that, please let us know.

(But wait! Boinkology says it's not such a silly thing after all.)