· Kelsey Grammer dropped by The Tonight Show to talk about what it feels like to have a near-fatal heart attack, and the devastating cancellation of Back To You, and the phone call to his hospital bed telling him to clear his Fox offices, and the death of his dog, and the death of his mother. Happy weekend, everyone! [The Tonight Show]
· Just a little taste of what you're missing at Comic-Con. (Warning: May contain traces of bespandexed nutsack.) [Wired]
· The final Britney/K-Fed verdict is in. She has to pay him $20,000 a month in ridiculous-watch-game upkeep fees. [Reuters]
· A rundown of what Comic-Con visitors saw at today's The Wolfman panel included some footage and an eerie tagline—"The power of Satan to change men into beasts”—that we're almost positive was used in a Paris Hilton fragrance campaign. [AICN]
·And finally, we proudly present one of God's Mistakes: The pigkey. [BWE.tv]