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Katherine Heigl has never failed to shock us, whether she’s yapping about her highly tuned gaydar or wearing dresses made out of The Darjeeling Limited's costume leftovers. But her latest comments on her childhood spent growing up Mormon suggest that, on top of burning Emasculated Husband Joshua Kelley’s pinky finger and forcing him to wait until the very second her biological clock beeps “Procreate!” to have kids, she may even make the poor guy raise said kids Big Love-style. As she recently told a British tab:

“I'm not as disciplined about it was I once was, but I hope to find my way back as I get older and a little less selfish...I'm ashamed to say that I've just got very lazy about it. I satisfy my vices instead of fighting them.”

And this is certainly not the first time Hollywood Public Enemy Heigl has spoken out about her “support” of the Church. A colorful collection of quotes she’s given throughout the years on the Mormon religion, after the jump:On Her Mostly Mormon Friends: USA Today, 2007:

"I haven't [practiced] since I was about 19 or 20, when I moved to L.A. and was working a lot. I couldn't find a ward I was comfortable in. It kind of petered out mostly because of that. My good friends are Mormon, some of the best people I know."

On Raising Her Kids Mormon: Glamour, 2007:

"I’m having a glass of white wine right now; that’s not exactly being a good Mormon! But I am really supportive of the Mormon church and so profoundly grateful for the childhood I had. It’s hard work to grow and change and be honest with yourself about your mistakes, and I think the Mormons handle that beautifully. The faith I grew up with has influenced every decision I’ve made in my life — well, except for the bad ones! I haven’t decided yet. I’ve always thought I would raise [my children] Mormon because I had such a wonderful childhood."

On The Church's Influence On Her Childhood: Vanity Fair, 2008:

"A couple of Mormon families were a great comfort [after the death of her brother when Heigl was seven years old]. Both my parents felt a great desire for answers, and they found an answer in the Mormon church. Everything was kind of a mess for a while. It wasn’t like Ordinary People, where it destroyed that family so badly that there was never finding any joy or loving or appreciating being alive again. But I give my parents unbelievable credit for pulling it together, and I give the Mormon church a lot of credit for helping them to do that.”

[Photo credit: Wireimage]