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Elisabeth Hasselbeck has been one of the most vocal supporters of the Republican agenda on the View for years, she was the toast of the Republican National Convention in early September (she hosted a luncheon for Cindy McCain and handed out "McCain '08" t-shirts she designed herself), and just last weekend, of course, she hit the campaign trail with Sarah Palin. So you'd think that some staffer in the McCain camp—or an official at the RNC—would have taken a moment to verify that Hasselbeck is a registered Republican, right? Apparently not. just alerted us to the fact that Hasselbeck has no party affiliation (and never has), a detail we confirmed with a quick check of the New York Board of Elections database. Per New York election laws, it's too late for Hasselbeck to join the party she's been pitching so aggressively in time for next week's presidential election. (She can always look forward to participating in the Republican primary in 2012.) If she does decide to take a moment to update the voter rolls, she can take the opportunity to update her address, too. Would-be stalkers/assassins should note that she moved out of her West 79th Street apartment several months ago.

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