Free Porn Is Media Giants' Online "Game Changer"

When NBC Universal jumped into bed with Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. to launch YouTube-competitor Hulu, you just knew things were going to get tawdry. Murdoch, after all, has shrewdly and repeatedly exploited the draw of sexual content, at UK newspaper The Sun (with its page three girls), on TV network Fox and elsewhere. And so perhaps it should have been clear from the get-go what Murdoch's number two Peter Chernin was wrong when he declared that Hulu was going to be "a game changer for Internet video... for the first time, consumers will get what they want." Actually, Hulu is bootstrapping itself the same way the entire rest of the internet did: via porn!
As Silicon Alley Insider discovered, some 14 of the site's top 20 most popular movie clips are basically soft-core porn (well, maybe not that Reno 911! clip). The reigning champ? That would the scene "Topless Pillow Fight" from legendary party flick Animal House. There's a (obviously NSFW) clip below, but be prepared to sit through a couple of ads, because that's how NBC and Fox make their money. REVOLUTIONARY!