Come on! Can't us Star Wars fans have anything left to brag about? The millions and millions of fans who crammed theaters to see The Dark Knight starting at midnight on Thursday put the comic book movie into record-breaking territory. Which is nice, except the record it broke was previously held by Revenge of the Sith. Sigh.

"Midnight screenings of Hollywood's latest Batman picture, 'The Dark Knight,' racked up $18.5 million at the box office its first day, Warner Bros. said.

"Warner Bros. told that figure only included the Thursday into Friday midnight screenings, not the Friday 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. showings that many theaters offered.

"The well-reviewed 'The Dark Knight' broke the midnight screening record set by 2005's 'Star Wars, Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith,' which grossed $16.9 million, the entertainment industry trade paper said." [UPI]