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James Kurisunkal is the boy wonder behind Park Avenue Peerage, the blog that breathlessly catalogs life in the 10021 social bubble. If you keep up with the Upper East Side hierarchy and you've ever wondered how Kurisunkal (pictured here with the Tinz) interacts with the young ladies he showers with attention, a look at the lengthy email correspondence between James and embattled novelist/socialite Tatiana Boncompagni may enlighten you. The email was forwarded to us as evidence that Tatiana has been passing herself off as the daughter of an Italian princess. More interesting, though, is how Kurisunkal asks Tatiana to change a reference in her novel from "Park Avenue Peerage" to "Fashion Week Daily" (the passage in question is describing a website that gets fed items by publicists), how the PAP founder says he holds his "website to a higher standard [than] Vogue [and] W," and just how much leverage you can get from sending James big boxes of cookies on a regular basis. Also? He's no fan of Anisha Lakhani and Kristian Laliberte, in case you're keeping track at home. The full email below.

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 1:16 PM, Tatiana Boncompagni
<<[redacted]> wrote:
> Hi James,
> You are so sweet. My mother's name is Principessa Maria
> Elena Boncompagni, we're descendants of Pope Gregory XIII > (né Ugo Boncompagni) and my grandfather was Principe Guido > Boncompagni Pasquale Bourbon Berti Ludovisi. Yes, I'm a
> freelance writer for the New York Times and Financial Times
> and have written for Vogue, InStyle and Cookie.
> Also, I'm not with CAA. Never signed with that guy. And now
> I'm working with someone at William Morris (his name is Brian > Stern) but I haven't signed. So
> maybe you can say in talks with William Morris?
> ________________________________
> Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 12:50:49 -0500
> From: james[redacted]
> To: tatiana@[redacted]
> Subject: Re:
> Tatiana, what is your mother's name? Princess ______
> Boncompagni-Ludovisi.
> I'm going to say that you're a reporter for the NY Times Styles
> section (or are you a freelancer) and that you've written for
> Vogue. Which other publications should I mention?
> Should I mention that you are signed with CAA?
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 12:32 PM, James Kurisunkal
> <james[redacted]> wrote:
> The video is adorable. I'll post it today. Please send me the
> others as soon as they are available.
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 12:27 PM, Tatiana Boncompagni
> <[redacted]> wrote:
> Hi James,
> Great to hear from you. I really hope you're having a good
> summer in the Hamptons. Can you send me some links to your > clips in Hamptons Style?
> Here's the link to my video.

> Its the first of a few they are doing. I'd love it if you could post it but it's tongue-in-cheek and meant to be funny.
> Also my book comes out September 9th, that's the official
> launch, but it would be marvelous to drum up some advance
> buzz.
> Anyway, let me know what you think!
> xoxo
> Tatiana
> ________________________________
> Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 11:04:23 -0500
> From:
> would be marvelous to drum up some advance buzz.
> Anyway, let me know what you think!
> xoxo
> Tatiana
> ________________________________
> Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 11:04:23 -0500
> From: james[redacted]
> To: tatiana@[redacted]
> Subject: Re:
> Hi Tatiana, everything is fine. How are you? I am so happy
> that everything is going in a positive direction for you now.
> Like I said before, ignore the naysayers. Would you like to
> have your book video's official launch be on Park Avenue
> Peerage? J
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Tatiana Boncompagni
> <[redacted]> wrote:
> Hi James,
> I emailed you at your other account but never heard back. Is everything
> okay? xoxo Tatiana
> ________________________________
> From: [redacted]
> To:
> Subject: RE:
> Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 09:23:52 -0400
> Hi my lovely James!
> How are you?
> So, I think I finally figured out the right present for you. It's coming
> soon...
> AND I have some great news. I sold my next novel! It's called Hedge Fund
> Wives. It's due in October to my publisher so I've literally been doing
> nothing besides writing, taking care of my children and yoga class. I hope
> to start going to some more events as the summer winds down, but right now
> I'm just so in the writing zone and taking advantage of that.
> Lots of great things are happening on the Gilding Lily front. We're getting an incredible response from the womens magazines and television and my
> publisher just filmed me for a promotional video that you are going to love.
> It's very tongue and cheek. And last...we have interest from a major
> Hollywood agent and another producer to develop the book into a film. No
> star attached and no deal yet—that's still a long way away—but the ball is
> rolling.
> Hope you are well. Please send news! How is your summer going!
> Much love,
> T.
> PS: Oscar de la Renta throwing my book party in Dallas and looks like
> Diane Von Furstenberg is throwing my New York party!
> >
> ________________________________
> From: [redacted]
> To:
> Subject: RE:
> Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 10:02:44 -0400
> Everything is good. I feel a bit overscheduled at the moment, though. This
> week I've had so much work. We turned in my next book proposal yesterday and
> today I'm turning in my next feature for Cookie magazine. Next week is my
> mother-in-law's birthday party and I have a Night Out for the Times to do on
> Thursday, then Max and I are going to Harvard for a wedding. So I am worried
> that the children will miss me too much. But the week after that will be
> calm and I can focus on them, again.
> Anyway, can't believe that Kristian sent that letter about Olivia. Why on
> earth would he want to do that? And yes, you're right to point out that you
> are a teenager and its cruel for him to pick on you. I'm an adult, so I'm
> fair game, but you, who are so sweet and never breathe a bad word about
> anyone. Just senseless.
> Big kiss and keep me updated on the Kristian stuff. As bad as I know this
> sounds, I can't help but rejoice a little about the truth finally coming
> out.
> Tatiana
> ________________________________
> Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 22:18:13 -0500
> From:
> To: tatiana@[redacted]

> Subject: Re:
> Tatiana, as much as I appreciate the thought, please don't send me anything!
> You are FAR too kind as it is and I wouldn't want you going out of your way
> to even think about stuff like that! You are so, so sweet for it though and
> I am more than happy to include you in whichever party I cover. You're a
> dream!
> I don't mean to soil this email but did you see this about Kristian?
> I still cannot believe how
> freely he once trashed me and tried so hard to make me seem like a puppet
> figure. I also cannot believe how Anisha and he tried to ruin your
> reputation. Ugh, we are so much better than all of this! (Though it angers
> me that he'd pick on a kid —me, a teenager —when he's in his
> mid-twenties!)
> How is everything?
> xoxo
> On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 5:14 PM, Tatiana Boncompagni
> <[redacted]> wrote:
> Hi James, I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to write. First of all, thank
> you so much for posting that photo of me and Vaughn. She's a Babcock from
> Florida, in case you're interesting in learning more about her. Very lovely.
> And I totally want to send you something divine, for the last post and this
> one (I'm so behind on my thank yous...) but what? I promised no more sweets,
> I know....xx Tatiana
> PS: Had a great time with Stephanie LeCava last night and met Dominick
> Dunne, who was so sweet to me. Love him. He promised to read my book.
> ________________________________
> From: [redacted]
> To:
> Subject: RE:
> Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 13:24:25 -0400
> No James, YOU are the sweet one. Thanks so much for your continued support.
> Big kiss! ;-) T.
> ________________________________
> Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 11:43:04 -0500
> From:
> To: tatiana@[redacted]
> Subject: Re:
> Tatiana, you're so sweet, thank you for this! Like I said, this book is
> destined for something very amazing. Don't let anyone bring you down. You've
> "brought it" and everyone in contact with the book has shown how impressed
> they are by you and your work. xoxo James
> On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Tatiana Boncompagni
> <
> they are by you and your work. xoxo James
> On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Tatiana Boncompagni
> <[redacted]> wrote:
> we made the change!!! xxx T.
> ________________________________
> From: [redacted]
> To:
> Subject: RE:
> Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 08:14:31 -0400
> Hi James—Just wanted to let you know that I've asked my editor to change
> the mention. It may be too late but we'll see what we can do and also at
> least in later print runs the reference will be dropped. Are you okay with
> that? I really hate that you are bothered by the mention. T.
> ________________________________
> Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 03:47:14 -0500
> From:
> To: tatiana@[redacted]
> Subject: Re:
> Tatiana,
> I apologize for my tardiness in sending this reply. About the first PAP
> mention (involving news spinning), if it's not too late, would you inquire
> about changing it to Fashion Week Daily online? I would really appreciate
> that. The second mention can stay because you know exactly how some people
> use the comments sections! I take it as such a compliment that you (and
> others) view my website that way. I make no profit off of anything so it's
> these kind of thoughts that make it all worthwhile for me. It's such an
> honor to be in your book and I want to thank you for that opportunity! :)
> I am so happy about Stephanie! All this press will be amazing for you. How
> wonderful is it that Vogue and Oscar de la Renta are hosting your book
> parties? I love it. You're destined for stardom with their approval.
> About Anisha, and people like her: they provoke such feelings and cause
> unnecessary drama because they simply have nothing better to do. It's as
> simple as that. An idle mind is the devil's playground. A sane woman over 30
> is not spending (ahem, wasting) her time picking fights with her peers and
> stabbing backs whenever convenient and possible. Good for you to not write
> her at all!
> I love how you and Lily both sign off with "Big Kiss!" :) Hope your week and
> morning are both off to a great start.
> xoxo James
> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 7:24 AM, Tatiana Boncompagni
> <
> xoxo James
> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 7:24 AM, Tatiana Boncompagni
> <[redacted]> wrote:
> Hi James,
> Now I feel bad about writing that the publicist wanted to spin PAP. Really,
> I don't think people will read this as your website is easily spun but that
> a publicist would want to try (like they try with every media outlet, it's
> what they do). I meant it as a compliment to the power and influence of your
> site (and you), but I can see why you might be upset about it. I can see if
> we can change it to another website like fashionweekdaily, but then you
> would miss out on that mention. Let me know. It may be too late to make any
> changes but it never hurts to ask.
> Yesterday night I ran into Stephanie Le Cava at the Memorial Sloan Kettering
> party and she told me she'd read my book (it was on a table at Vogue) and
> loved it and wanted me to send her another copy because they made her give
> it back. We'd never met before and she said, Oh my God, is your last name
> Boncompagni? I've been dying to meet you. She is so sweet. And James, it was
> so good to hear that she enjoyed my book. I finally feel like I can breathe
> a little sigh of relief. Things are really coming together. Vogue is hosting
> my party in New York and Oscar de la Renta will prob do Dallas or LA or
> both. We'll see. We're getting such good feedback on the book.
> You'll never believe this but I got an email from Anisha. You're the only
> one I'm telling because I'm not responding to it. She wrote me because we
> both got reviewed by Publishers Weekly in the same issue. I don't understand
> how on earth she thinks I can ever trust her again. It makes me so sad
> because we are both writers and I think we could have been good friends, but
> after what she did, it's never going to be possible.
> Anyway, let me know about the PAP mention in Gilding Lily.
> Big kiss to you!
> Tati
> PS: I'll send you something other than cookies this time.
>> Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 00:19:18 -0500
>> From:
>> To: tatiana@[redacted]
>> Subject: Re:
>> Of course and I am not saying anything just because I know you —the
>> book stands for itself! How exciting for you, re Holly and Plum. Your
>> book is bound for as much success as theirs! :-) You really don't have
>> to send more treats as I probably gained back a couple of pounds
>> through their chocolate richness. It's the thought that counts and
>> it's just as sweet as those cookies so thank you! :-) I know that my
>> website has become a central Internet venue for some of these women
>> but it just makes me uneasy to think that anything could be spun
>> because it's not true at all. I don't "spin" news upon request and I
>> hold my website to a higher standard then if Vogue, W, etc. do it on a
>> regular basis. You haven't hurt my feelings but I hope that you (and
>> others) really don't think that things are being spun... things look a
>> million times more interesting when they're laced with half-truths
>> (just look at the past debacle/fall of SR). These women I write about
>> are sweet people but it makes it a million times more interesting to
>> imagine they'd be so vicious to push a stranger down the stairs! Let
>> me know what you think and hope hat all is well. How is the new
>> apartment?!! xoxo James
>> On 5/15/08, Tatiana Boncompagni <
ably gained back a couple of pounds
>> through their chocolate richness. It's the thought that counts and
>> it's just as sweet as those cookies so thank you! :-) I know that my
>> website has become a central Internet venue for some of these women
>> but it just makes me uneasy to think that anything could be spun
>> because it's not true at all. I don't "spin" news upon request and I
>> hold my website to a higher standard then if Vogue, W, etc. do it on a
>> regular basis. You haven't hurt my feelings but I hope that you (and
>> others) really don't think that things are being spun... things look a
>> million times more interesting when they're laced with half-truths
>> (just look at the past debacle/fall of SR). These women I write about
>> are sweet people but it makes it a million times more interesting to
>> imagine they'd be so vicious to push a stranger down the stairs! Let
>> me know what you think and hope hat all is well. How is the new
>> apartment?!! xoxo James
>> On 5/15/08, Tatiana Boncompagni
<[redacted]> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi James,
>> >
>> > Do you really like the book?! You're not sugar coating because we're
>> > friends?
>> >
>> > Wonderful catch on page 275. I'll send that to my editor right away.
>> > Hopefully it's not too late. On the second one, of course I know you
>> > can't
>> > be spun, but that's not what the people here think. Of course, the
>> > publicists here think they can spin Page Six, the New York Times, Vogue,
>> > you
>> > name it. So I didn't write that because I thought you in particular are
>> > more
>> > vulnerable to being spun but because your website has become so central
>> > to
>> > these womens lives and reputations that they would feel the need to try
>> > (and
>> > let me underscore TRY) to spin it. Are you okay with that? I hope I
>> > haven't
>> > hurt your feelings.
>> >
>> > Also, I really wasn't thinking of Tinsley for Di or Umberta for Fabiola.
>> > It's interesting that you drew those connections! Tinsley has always
>> > been
>> > incredibly nice to me, I have absolutely no reason to be even the
>> > tiniest
>> > bit upset with her.
>> >
>> > I'm sending you more treats. I've just been so busy with my next novel
>> > and
>> > settling into our new apartment. But this weekend I'm doing more baking.
>> >
>> > Some more good news on my front—we got a quote for the book from Holly
>> > Peterson, author of the Manny, and from Plum Sykes, author of Bergdorf
>> > Blondes.
>> >
>> > Much love,
>> > T.
>> >
>> >
>> > ________________________________
>> > Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 20:54:08 -0500
>> >
>> > From:
>> > To: tatiana@[redacted]
>> > Subject: Re:
>> >
>> > Dear Tatiana,
>> >
>> > You have such a talent! I was so happy to have been sent a copy! I read
>> > it
>> > and had two notes I'd like to address:
>> >
>> > 1. On page 275, Lily's mother said that she Lily was keeping away from
>> > her
>> > only grandchild. However, on page 146, Lily buys presents for her
>> > brother,
>> > Matthew, and his two children. This means that Lily's mother has more
>> > than
>> > just Will as a grandchild.
>> > 2. It's so fun that you referred to Park Avenue Peerage twice in your
>> > book!
>> > The first time, on page 236, you insinuate that a publicist helped a
>> > client
>> > of hers spin an item in her favor on Park Avenue Peerage. That has never
>> > happened and will not ever. I know that the characters and ideas are all
>> > "fictional" but my website isn't and I don't want people to get the
>> > wrong
>> > idea about it.
>> >
>> > Other than that, I see a lot of Lily in you and that's a compliment!
>> > She's a
>> > heroine people could relate to. She's not like Moi in Bergdorf Blondes
>> > at
>> > all, as Lily has a heart. I could tell that Emily might have been a play
>> > on
>> > Melissa Berkelhammer and Umberta on Fabiola, and Di on Tinsley even!
>> >
>> > I loved your Style piece on Katie Lee Joel. I was so happy to see your
>> > byline!
>> >
>> > And thank you for the cookies —they were so delicious! My parents and
>> > I
>> > really enjoyed them!
>> >
>> > All the best,
>> > xoxo James
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 5:30 PM,
>> > <> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hey Tatiana, I read the book as soon as I got it—lovely. Kind of busy
>> > for
>> > a while but know that you are in my thoughts and that I will write you
>> > again
>> > as soon as I could. So happy about the review!! :) xoxo James
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 4:21 PM, Tatiana Boncompagni
>> > <[redacted]> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hey James!
>> >
>> > How are you? Are you home yet? Have you read my novel? Gilding Lily got
>> > a
>> > good review in Publishers Weekly (out today) and I am so, so thrilled.
>> >
>> > Want to hear from you....
>> >
>> > T.
>> >
>> > ________________________________
>> > Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 14:36:49 -0600
>> > From:
>> > To: tatiana@[redacted]
>> > Subject: Re:
>> >
>> > Hey Tatiana! You both look completely fabulous and it's you —how could
>> > I
>> > have not put you on PAP?!! :) You are so kind and I don't want anything
>> > really... but if you MUST then you could mail me at
>> >
>> > James Kurisunkal
>> > [redacted]
>> > Urbana, IL 61801

>> >
>> > Miss you of course and hope that all is well. Again, loved your column
>> > and
>> > would frankly love a week in Anguilla!
>> >
>> >X
>> >
>> > On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 1:53 PM, Tatiana Boncompagni
>> > <[redacted]> wrote:
>> >
>> > James! You put me and Brooke on your website! I just saw it. I love you!
>> > Where can I send you a little present? You are so sweet. xxxx
>> >
>> > ________________________________
>> > Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 13:39:09 -0600
>> > From:
>> > To: tatiana@[redacted]
>> > Subject:
>> >
>> > So charming, I loved it! x
>> >
>> >
>> >