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What's not nearly as sexy as Mashable CEO Pete Cashmore? Having to tease out an audience with discoveries like "An Almost Perfect Web-Based Twitter Management Tool." Yes, Twitter traffic is growing fast, but the vast majority of people in the world haven't discovered Twitter yet, let alone realized it's something they need to manage.

But readers who think that having "Twitter management" issues is a problem that only very important people like themselves have can be lucrative — you just have to be more creative in monetizing such people, rather than trying to sell ads. (Heck, Mashable can barely give them away.) Having a Twitter crisis is just the thing those "influencers" might brag about. At a party, even. Perhaps a party thrown by Pete Cashmore. A party which charges money for admission and has a cash bar, we're told by someone with a Twitter management problem. Which bubble is Mashable blowing again? Or is that what Mashable's actually for? (Photo by Andrew Mager)