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PodTech, once described by Valleywag emeritus Nick Douglas as "the video podcast network apparently dedicated to screwing over as many people as possible without actually profiting from it," will be sending out a cheery press release touting its acquisition as soon as today, I've been told. The company has also been meeting with potential clients who are being told that the company's just fine, thanks. Except what did the acquirer buy? Not inexplicable geek celebrity Robert Scoble, who decamped for Fast Company months ago, and was the company's only real, if questionable, claim to fame.

Instead, PodTech's buyers get a company that may not have been paying employees after a "reorg" and was pretty much entirely in hock to its bankers, says our tipster. On the one hand, the company has tried to drum up new business while on the other, quiet calls were being made behind the scene looking to unload what scant assets the company held — kudos to the unnamed acquirer for picking up "classic Robert Scoble!" Might we suggest removing "Pod" from the name of the company? With the iPod displaced by the iPhone and podcasting moribund, it's what the cool kids like Adam Curry are doing.