Playboy's Blog-Girls of Summer

Round up the usual suspects! has decided on the hottest female bloggers. Boing Boing co-editor Xeni Jardin and her ex-lover, sexblogger (and Fleshbot contributor) Violet Blue, are both on the list. (All posts referencing Blue were recently deleted by Jardin from Boing Boing—awkward!) Oh, wait, it's a poll, and the winner will be asked to pose for (Nude? They didn't say.) So far, videoblogger Brigitte Dale is in the lead with 27% of the vote, while Rocketboom and Sometimes Daily's Amanda Congdon has only 5%. The rest of the bloggers named after the jump.
From left to right, starting from the top:
Amanda Congdon, Brigitte Dale, Sarah Lacy (Yahoo's Tech Ticker)
Sarah Austin (Pop17 vlogger), Natali Del Conte (host of CNET TV's Loaded), Xeni Jardin (Boing Boing)
Violet Blue (Fleshbot, Open Source Sex), Julie Alexandria (, Veronica Belmont (Co-host of the digital technology vlog Tekzilla; host of PlayStation's Qore)