One-Person Trend Stories Mock Anecdotal Leads

Someone started an aptly-named site called "One Person Trend Stories," which does a pretty fantastic job of skewering the thinly-sourced, heavily-caveated features familiar to readers (and writers!) of pretty much every major newspaper and newsmagazine out there. It's not clear if the anonymous author — J-school student? Disgruntled intern? — intended the site as a parody, or as more straightforward humor. But it's pretty obvious that bloggers everywhere love the site and are linking to it. To be sure, the only example I have is the post you're now reading. Ahem. One of the better posts is after the jump.
Hipster Lesbians Are Working on Bergen Street
Courtney Golding was on deadline. She decided to go to the new vegan coffee shop on her block to get a tempeh reuben for lunch. While her sandwich was being prepared, she decided to run some errands, picking up a copy of The Secret Diaries of Laura Palmer at used bookstore Unnameable Books and then taking a look around the just opened Brooklyn locale of the girl-friendly sex toy emporium, Toys in Babeland.
At each store, Golding, a longtime Bergen Street resident, noted one unifying force: lesbians working who were wearing the accoutrements one usually associates with hipsterdom. "They we wearing things like Nike Air Force Ones, No Age t-shirts, and oversized plastic eyeglasses," says Golding, 30. "All of them looked a bit like J.D. Samson from Le Tigre. One had a tattoo on her neck."
To be sure, lesbians who have tattoos and, perhaps, piercings, have long worked on a variety of streets in Brooklyn.
"That sounds just like my block," notes Jeremy Kiehl, a 28-year-old graphic designer. "But I live on Union, near Tea Lounge and Park Slope Yoga Center and the Coop."
UPDATE: Doree blogged this too. Everyone really is linking to it!