HR 6304, the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, cleared the U.S. Senate in a 69-28 vote today, including retroactive immunity for AT&T, Sprint, and other telecom carriers that helped the U.S. spy on people for five years. Is the fight over? No. Who voted for or against it? See the tidy summary by Congressional Quarterly and our hard-charging intern Alaska Miller:

The bill, cleared by a 69-28 vote, would grant telecommunications companies immunity if a federal district court determined they received assurances from the government that the program was legal and authorized by the president. According to a Senate Intelligence Committee report, they did receive such assurances.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama of Illinois voted for the bill, while his former opponent, Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, voted against. Presumptive GOP nominee John McCain did not vote.

How did your local representatives vote?

Nay CA-1 Thompson, C. [D] (Napa)
Nay CA-6 Woolsey, Lynn [D] (Marin)
Aye CA-8 Pelosi, Nancy [D] (SF)
Nay CA-9 Lee, Barbara [D] (Oakland)
Aye CA-10 Tauscher, Ellen [D] (Contra Costa)
Aye CA-11 McNerney, Jerry [D] (East San Jose, San Joaquin)
Nay CA-12 Speier, Jackie [D] (South SF)
No Vote CA-13 Stark, Fortney [D] (Fremont, Alameda)
Nay CA-14 Eshoo, Anna [D] (South Bay)
Nay CA-15 Honda, Michael [D] (San Jose)
Nay CA-16 Lofgren, Zoe [D] (Santa Clara)