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It seems having oiled-up chicks traipsing around in bikinis didn't create such a friendly workplace for employees of the Hawaiian Tropic Zone in Times Square. The restaurant was smacked with a $600 million lawsuit today: Four women allege that the restaurant's former general manager, Anthony Rakis, raped and sodomized a manager, harassed female waitresses, and forced prospective hires to strip down for "examinations." The women claim that the restaurant's owner, Dennis Riese, was part of the problem, too, helping to turn Hawaiian Tropic Zone "into a disgusting meat market." Riese hasn't responded to the charges yet, but we'll point out that this is the same man who told The New Yorker last year that he describes himself as a feminist ("I love women and believe in them") and chalked up any grievances to nature. "I don't think these girls are feeling exploited," he said. "If a bunch of guys are coming in and ogling them, it's because they're guys and those are girls! And that's part of our biological nature."