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What with the economy dangling on a thread and one of the scariest election run-ups in history, you'd be forgiven for not remembering that it's National Book Month! But Sony is kindly reminding us with a less-than-inspired stunt to promote its E-Book device: Dave Farrow, a "speed-reading guru," will be sitting in the window of the Datavision electronics store in Midtown reading for 14 hours a day for the next 30 days.

For every page Farrow reads, Sony will donate an eBook library of 100 classic titles to a school; he hopes to manage 1,000 pages a day, and while it's not clear how anyone will verify that he's actually reading and not just staring at a screen and turning virtual pages, it's probably not like anyone could care less either. Still, he's begging for volunteers to help relieve him of his duties every now and then, just in case you happen to be in need of topping up your karma bank and are willing to be a spectacle to tourists and electronics shoppers.

Speed-reading guru opens page on 30-day stunt [NYDN]