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Corporate greenmailer Carl Icahn, some old dude who was stupid enough to buy a lot of shares of Yahoo on the premise that Microsoft would buy the company after it said it wouldn't, wants four seats on Yahoo's board. Yahoo only prepared to reward his intelligence by offering him two, Kara Swisher reports. Why so stingy? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to clear the dead wood out of the boardroom. Make room! Our nominees for the axe:

  • Roy Bostock: This guy is chairman of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America. Can you imagine anyone more out of touch with Yahoo's workforce?
  • Art Kern: On the board since January 1996. Used to own some radio stations. Gives a lot of money to good causes. Great — how about you do that full-time, Art?
  • Ron Burkle: Politically connected former grocery-store owner.
  • Gary Wilson: Used to run Northwest Airlines. Shouldn't that be a disqualifier to do anything?

Memo to the rest of Yahoo's board: Hey, you're okay in our book! Let's do lunch!