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Judi Giuliani looked pretty foolish last Friday after the Times reported on the allegations made by Russell Harding, the former administration official who launched a blog last month containing all sorts of embarrassing tidbits about the ex-mayor's third wife. (Among other things, Harding described how Judi wrangled a low-income apartment using Rudy's ties to the real estate industry, and described how she routinely abused the NYPD officers assigned to protect her.) The Giulianis refused to answer questions on the record, but clearly the salacious revelations hurt. This past weekend, Rudy and Judi did what they generally do on the weekends: they hit the golf course. And poor Judi had her worst outing in a year and a half. The ups and downs of Judi golf game after the jump.

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Previously: Rudy Giuliani: Golfs Three Days a Week, Rudy: Curbing His Golf Enthusiasm?, Judi Giuliani's Sweet Apartment Deal