New York dating columnist, possible future reality star, and C-list party guest Julia Allison (whose employer, Star, recently declined to renew her contract) is back home in Illinois, visiting her parents. And she's being incredibly snide about it, based on her recent Twitters:

Oh. Is striving for the high life in New York all it's cracked up to be, or is it just that awful sound when there are three people left at a party, and when you shake the ice in the bottom of your empty highball glass it's suddenly the loudest and most depressing sound in the world?

Do C-list parties for Skyy Vodka, where Julia was on Tuesday night, beat watching the window-cleaners on even the worst of days? Or are they essentially the same activity?

This trip is shaping up to be like Sweet Home Alabama, when the country-girl turned faux-socialites goes back home for the simple life! Except without the redemption.