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Porn: not just for Van Nuys anymore! At least, that's the conclusion offered by the New York Post, which today posited that the valley's favorite industry may be working its way westward — right into the gilded rooms of an unnamed Beverly Hills hotel. Teased The Post:

WHICH hotel in Beverly Hills is being used for porn shoots? Businessmen across the street say they can't get any work done because they're too busy looking at the action.

Yelp-assisted speculation after the jump!

Since we rarely stay in hotels located in our hometown (except for those times we just need to get away, darling), we scoured the comments over on Yelp for any specific, porn-o-rific activity. Behold, our best interpretations:

The Peninsula: "Two REALLY ODD things I noticed that I don't think anyone has Yelped about: They have individual light switches in each bathroom stall. At first I thought it was to turn on a ceiling fan. But, I was too curious and pushed it and discovered it was a light switch. Seriously, why do you need to turn off the lights in your bathroom stall?" Because of porn.

The Beverly Hills Hotel: "The Beverly Hills Hotel is kinda like that girl (or guy) who has so much charisma that you are just drawn to them. They may not be the most beautiful person in the room but they have that "X" factor that makes all the difference. Not the prettiest kid on the block and certainly not the biggest (it might, however, be the most expensive)." Is this about male escorts or a hotel? We vote porn.

The Beverly Wilshire: "Full of gold diggers and old worn out women." Porn.

Le Meridien: "Visible stains on the 'comfortable' bed and love seat." Well, that could be from anything.

In conclusion: Beverly Hills has been run over by pornographers who are shooting in every building in town. Get out now.