• Sad Anne Hathaway had been shopping for homes with her scummy Italian boyfriend Rafaello Follieri right before the movie starlet finally realized she had to dump the loser. She told InStyle, for next month's issue: "If we get a house as opposed to an apartment, the first two floors will be a bit more traditional for him to be able to receive people, and the top two floors will be whatever I want." [P6]
  • Socialite Tinsley Mortimer's Gossip Girl cameo was in an all-white party scene. Apparently "it was like a virginal reference not a reference to Puffy." [Observer]
  • Like Sean Avery, tennis star Anna Kournikova would like to work for Anna Wintour at Vogue. Unlike Avery, she made the mistake of putting the editrix at number FIVE on her list of the 10 people she'd most like to work for, post-tennis. [P6]
  • The corporate infighting over Madonna's $120 million Live Nation has already begun. Looks like there may be layoffs. [Post]
  • Rapper DMX may lose a townhouse because he didn't promote a line of "urban doggie wear" as promised. The dog-gear company hooked up with DMX after hearing his gravelly voice in public service announcements he made about pets. It turns out DMX was ordered to make those ads after being found guilty of cruelty to his own 14 pit bulls. [Post]
  • Heather Locklear checked into rehab for athlete's foot or something. Seriously, though: For "psychological treatment." Everyone is pulling this "rehab-but-not-for-drugs" stunt now. What does rehab even MEAN any more? [OK!]
  • Stable for several months now, Britney Spears finally gets to have her kids over for sleepovers again. [TMZ]