An email tipster claims to have received the following soap-opera-like chain of email messages in response to a "help wanted" ad on Craigslist. "The applicant attached her resume (which was a MESS) to this personal email chain — I can't imagine why!" she writes. "I have no idea how I got so lucky to have this gem dropped into my lap." Neither can we! Perhaps because it is an elaborate prank? Or maybe it's real, and originated from someone who doesn't realize that not everything on email has to be a reply or a forward — one CAN start new messages. In any case, what starts as comically awkward but otherwise unremarkable e-courtship takes an interesting, if sad, turn around message nine. Whether its origin, the thread does a good enough job simulating the experience of snooping into someone else's email inbox. Read it because you can't stop yourself, after the jump.