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There are certain ways to tell that you've spent too much time in hipster-ridden Silver Lake: like, say, when the audience gasps at Emile Hirsch's dramatic weight loss at the end of Into the Wild, and all you can think is, "Hot. He'd fit right in at Spaceland." Through this admittedly skewed lens, a Silver Laker might look upon these new photos of a slimmed-down, tatted-up Colin Farrell with a steady chant of, "One of us. One of us." But what do our friends across the pond think? The Daily Mail, unsurprisingly, approves:

Actor Colin Farrell looked slim and toned as he showed off his new ultra-thin physique on the beach in Malibu after his dramatic weight loss for a film role.

Despite his slender frame, the 32-year-old appeared tanned and healthy as he jogged along the beach yesterday.

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The Irish heart-throb looked every inch the beach Adonis with his long hair, Celtic tattoos and a sand-covered six-pack.

Farrell has dramatically shed pounds for his role in the upcoming movie, Triage, in which he plays a war photographer.

While Farrell's devotion to his craft is admirable, we can't help but think his inevitable re-porking will disappoint a lot of girls and gays on the east side. To them, we offer an encouraging bit of advice: get thee to the Trader Joe's on Hyperion, where Colin clones can be had on the street for spare change and a fresh box to sleep in.

[Photo Credit: X17]