When Ian Usher separated from his wife, he figured he might as well walk away from his home, his job, his friends, and all his worldly possessions while he was at it. So he put the whole damn works up for grabs on Ebay and the bidding, which started this morning, is through the roof. "The British immigrant to Australia, who said the trigger for his bold offer was the break-up with his wife, had hoped he would attract a bid of 500,000 dollars (477,000 US). Shortly after the seven-day auction began Sunday, a bid of 300,100 dollars for 44-year-old Ian Usher's Perth-based lifestyle was listed on the Internet auction site eBay. By late afternoon, some 40 bids had been made with the highest offer at 650,000 dollars. 'I brought out the champagne at three o'clock when it passed the 400,000-dollar mark,' Usher told the Australian news agency AAP. 'It's unbelievable that it's going up like this so early in the auction.'"

"Usher has promised to introduce the winning bidder to his friends and hand over his 420,000-dollar house and his hobbies. The winner will also secure Usher's job as a rug store assistant for two weeks initially, but this could be extended depending on the store owner's agreement.

"Usher will retain only his passport, wallet and the clothes on his back if the deal goes ahead. He said he decided to start a new life after separating from his wife Laura just over two years ago, and selling all his worldly goods seemed like a logical step to take.

"'The separation from my wife was the initial trigger for what I'm doing, especially living in the house that was built for the both of us and being surrounded by our furniture,' he said. 'It's part of the moving on process. I guess this is the last step before making a fresh start.'" [AFP]