The Best of Times, Worst of Times

Looks like it was both a wonderful weekend and a terrible weekend for Serena Torrey, the PR princess of New York magazine and daughter of James Torrey, the prominent hedge fund manager and mega-fundraiser for Barack Obama. The good news: On Saturday, Serena tied the knot with Ted Roosevelt, the great-great grandson of Theodore Roosevelt. The bad news? He's a vice president at Lehman Brothers, which means he's likely out of a job as of this morning. We're guessing it won't be too tough for a man with Ted's pedigree to find a new job. If all else fails, he could have Serena put in a good word with New York's owner, Lazard chief Bruce Wasserstein. Or he could join his father-in-law on the Obama fundraising trail, which just announced that the campaign reeled in $66 mil. in August. [NYT]