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As if banks didn't have enough to worry about thanks to the crumbling economy and recession, it seems rising crime rates in NYC are their fault, too. At least that's what the NYPD says, arguing that the increase in the number of bank robberies—the rate is up 50 percent in New York City this year alone—is because the banks aren't doing enough to protect their own dough. And why would they? They're insured! And if all else fails, there's always the federal government that will come along and bail them out! Oh, and just in case you're hurting for cash and thinking about sticking up a bank, some useful stats to keep in mind: The success rate at Wachovia branches is 100%. In second place, Commerce Bank ("America's Most Convenient Bank"), where robbers made off with the cash 97% of the time. Plus Commerce Bank gives out free cherry lollipops, too, something you might want to take into consideration.