• Tim Russert's son, Luke, asked Barack Obama and John McCain to sit next to one another at his father's funeral Wednesday. They complied, and listened as he urged them and the rest of the mourners to "engage in spirited debate but disavow the low tactics that distract Americans from the most important issues facing our country." [Times]
  • At the Kennedy Center memorial service, Tom Brokaw opened by lifting a bottle of Rolling Rock beer pilfered from Russert's cooler, as well as a mug the newsman gave him, and declaring, "We are going to do this Irish style. There will be some tears, some laughs, and the occasional truth." [AP] (Photo via FishbowlDC)
  • Brokaw on the crowd: "Family... closest friends from near and far, the powerful, the ordinary, and the largest contingent of all, those who think they should be his successor on Meet the Press." [TV Newser]
  • Meet The Press executive producer Betsy Fischer: "In the seventeen years I've had the great honor of working with you and learning from you, you have never once steered me wrong." [FishbowlDC]
  • Mario Cuomo recounted how, as governor, he pushed through the country's first seatbelt law, then promptly got into a car accident and banged his head on the dashboard because the belt was not tightened. " The press appeared immediately and asked how the governor was. 'Thank God for the seatbelt,' said Russert without missing a beat." [Broadcasting & Cable]
  • NBC anchor Brian Williams: "Tim spent a fortune on his hair. And on the day when he got it done, he looked outstanding for 60 to 90 minutes afterwards." (AP)
  • "Williams reports Tim's last words were, 'What's happening,' to Washington bureau editing supervisor Candice Harrington." (TV Newser)
  • Luke Russert: "My dad... said to him, 'Michael... What if God had come to you and said... I will give you a beautiful, a wonderful, happy, and lovable son for 17 years, but then it will be time for him to come home? You would make that deal in a second, right?' Well, I only had — I had 22 years, but I, too, would make that deal in a heartbeat." [HuffPo]
  • The Huffington Post has video of each tribute, along with transcripts (scroll down). [HuffPo]