YouTube vixen tries product she pitched, spits it out

Jill Hanner, the popular YouTube personality known as xgobobeanx who was hired to produce a response video to a Coors Light viral video campaign meant to popularize the watery brew with the binge drinkers of tomorrow, has now posted a response to the response to her video. In Revised XXX Beer Commercial, she cavorts in a bikini top with a blurred out can of "brand x" beer but spit-takes after taking a taste. "Ugh, this stuff is gross." Which, in the case of Coors Light, is something that both non-drinkers and hardcore beer afficionados can agree on. Needless to say, I doubt video distributor TubeMogul and production company For Your Imagination commissioned this spot. Full video in all it's busty, beer swilling glory after the jump.