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As if it wasn't enough that Eliot Spitzer's career, credibility, and friends disappeared into thin air when his sexual improprieties were exposed, now his legal bills are going up. Two former New York Racing Association officials have filed suit against Spitzer for prosecuting them when he was attorney general. Spitzer had argued that the officials had taken bribes to allow overweight jockeys to ride in races, but the officials were later cleared of the charges. Now the two men involved, Mario Sclafan and Braulio Baeza, say Spitzer cost them their jobs and their reputations and they'd very much appreciate $100 million or so for conspiracy, abuse of process, and false arrest. (How much do state racing officials get paid?). The full 38-page complaint after the jump.

2 men once linked to fat NY jockeys sue for $100M [Newsday]