Chevy Chase has not been having the best of luck at his various public appearances lately. Following an incident at the Houston Museum of Fine Art in which the gala proceedings were interrupted by a piercing tone and the P.A. announcement, "Whoever took Chevy Chase's weed, he'd really like it back now. It's not funny, guys. It's for his glaucoma," comes this item from the NY Daily News: "Chase found an all-too-wild kingdom at the recent 60th anniversary celebration of Green Chimneys, the Brewster, N.Y., pioneer of animal-assisted therapy for special-needs kids. After grappling with a 15-foot albino python, the 'Funny Farm' star was invited to release a rescued red-tailed hawk. As the bird took wing, its talons nicked the side of Chevy's head. Good thing Chase was posing at the time with a crew of EMT technicians, who treated his scrapes." [NY Daily News]