Miley Cyrus Replacement Features Unremovable Top
According to Walt Disney Co.'s new designated TEEN SENSATION Demi Lovato, "Disney... artists aren't as manufactured as they appear." In other words, they are only partially manufactured, which means Disney can't create a 15-year-old completely devoid of sex hormones to replace Miley Cyrus, whose Disney Channel ratings plunged after she posed sorta-topless in Vanity Fair and in her underwear for her boyfriend in pictures that leaked online. While Lovato is, unfortunately for Disney shareholders, no robot, she promised to remember to always ask, "'Is this something a 15-year-old should be doing?' and if it isn't, then I don't do it." How wholesome! A 15-year who will keep the intimate details of her life off of MySpace... Are you sure she's not a robot? Disney is a little defensive, according to the Wall Street Journal:
Disney officials say that their success is not the result of a child-actor assembly line...
...says [Disney Channel honcho Gary] Marsh, "We can't stockpile this type of talent because of their ages."
Wait, are you certain of that, Gary? Have you tried cryogenic technology? Genetic cloning?
(Disney Channel photo via WSJ)