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Billionaire moguls Steve Schwarzman and Henry Kravis have never liked each other much. The private equity kingpins have competed for years for deals and priceless works of art; last year, they exchanged barbs in the press when Kravis called Schwarzman "the poster boy for greed" and Schwarzman referred to Kravis as a "one-trick pony." Well, you'll be happy to hear that the two men have reconciled. Sort of. A couple of weeks ago, they bumped into each other at the synchronized diving event at the Olympics in Beijing and peace was made. From the lengthy Times profile of Kravis yesterday: "For a brief moment, there was an awkward pause as the longtime rivals took stock of each other. Then both men cracked smiles, and Mr. Schwarzman extended his hand, congratulating Mr. Kravis on his latest move: an attempt to take KKR public despite a stock market mired in uncertainty and fear." Relations between egotistical moguls improving: now there's one positive effect of the recession you probably didn't count on.