A 'Purple-Suited Arsse'

Lex Fenwick, purple-suited CEO-in-name-only of Bloomberg, did once put his finger on the greatest threat to the financial information service: "ourselves," he told Fortune, referring to the company's potentially complacent management. Behind the superficially charming self-deprecation, Fenwick hit upon a truth. For a highly profitable company founded by a supposed paragon of competence, Bloomberg is an astonishingly unhappy place run by bad-tempered cronies of the New York mayor. We wouldn't normally run the ravings of a disgruntled former employee. But Jerel Smith's farewell email captures some of the data terminal company's poisonous atmosphere; and his parting words for "loud mouth family size bag o'douche" Fenwick are particularly unfettered.

{Fon Lex fen} …I'd love to smack the heroine needle out of your arm and shove it up your purple suited arsse you loud mouth tasteless family size bag o' douche…no wonder you're always screaming at everyone, you probably need a fix you amy winehouse hermaphradite bbc walking fashion fopa….quiet the fuk down, join narcotics anonymous, and stop wearing suits that match the neon colored rooms of the building….peter g. Runs the show, everyone knows that, fukin court jesture…and soomee, rock on…done.
[Jerel Smith Quits Bloomberg via Joel X]