• Maybe Barack Obama surprised Scarlett Johansson with a bunch of long emails because her brother, Hunter, works for him. Uh, sure. [P6]
  • Richard Dreyfuss had a close encounter of the strip club kind. For "several hours." Or just maybe it was some other balding, white-haired, older white guy in a strip club. But what are the odds of that? [P6]
  • That big $2 million performance Amy Winehouse snagged? The one for the Russian oligarch? She landed in Russia drunk/high and stumbled down the carpet two hours late. Then she flashed the audience. So it's not clear what the source who says "she still put on a terrific show" means, exactly. [R&M]
  • The marriage of Madonna and Guy Ritchie has entered the "Kabbalah Marriage Counseling" phase. [Fametastic]
  • Apparently 50 Cent finds naked girls waiting for him in his hotel room closets. He throws them out because "I don't want no [beep] that costs $50." Wow, no wonder all the businessmen are always so happy in those Holiday Inn Express ads. [P6]
  • Naomi Campbell settled with a Slovakian housekeeper who said she was abused and mocked by Campbell for her language skills. As though any housekeeper who could read or hear things in English would ever take a job with Naomi Campbell. [Showbiz Spy]
  • Singer Lance Bass' ex-boyfriends hooked up with each other, and the Post finds this touching, because it is a big supporter of gay unions. [P6]