MSNBC's Keith Olbermann often tears right wingers a new one. And the New York Post hates that. And now it turns out that Olbermann has a ladies' disease! So the fun begins! "THE perplexing mystery of why Keith Olbermann acts like a twitchy, hopped-up geek on his MSNBC show has been solved. The New Yorker's Peter J. Boyer reports the TV loudmouth 'has been given a diagnosis of Wittmaack-Ekbom's syndrome, also known as 'restless legs syndrome' (and also 'the kicks,' 'Jimmy legs' and 'the jitters'), a neurological disorder that produces a prickling, itching or crawling feeling in the legs.' Known as a women's ailment because it strikes twice as many women as men, the syndrome has stirred controversy among doctors who don't agree whether it's even real or instead caused by various physical and/or emotional factors." After the jump, Olbermann is clumsy and big-headed.

"Olbermann is uncoordinated-he can't drive, having once smashed his swollen head leaping into a subway car. The concussion permanently upset his equilibrium, he claims.

"The New Yorker also reveals that CBS was so desperate to find a replacement for Dan Rather, it nearly stooped to hiring Olbermann. CBS president Les Moonves and his news chief, Andrew Heywood, held a 'secret meeting' with Olbermann, where he said he wanted to 'redirect' the last three minutes of each newscast with 'his personal touch.' After a second meeting, the CBS suits picked Katie Couric instead.

"It was a major relief to old-school news vets. 'Oh, no, no, no, [Olbermann]'s not a newsman. He's not a reporter. I've never seen anything that he's done that was original in terms of information. It's all derivative,' said Sandy Socolow, who was Walter Cronkite's final executive producer.

"Tom Brokaw, who's had to give Olbermann on-air scoldings for his leftist grandstanding, told The New Yorker: 'Listen, it's a strain. And it's under constant examination.' But Olbermann actually thinks he'd rock in a nightly news slot, boasting, 'I think it would not do any worse than the three that are out there now.' [P6]