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Valleywag has added an option to subscribe to our most popular stories by email. I can hear the disapproving Twitters being typed already. The overflowing inboxes of Silicon Valley's hypercommunicative elite have led them to disdain the medium of email. The MySpace generation is said to have rejected email as a tool of parents and teachers, opting for private Web-based messaging instead. And yet email remains immensely popular — universal, reliable, and simple. Most importantly, it's something readers have been asking us for. Here's how you can subscribe to Valleywag, and what you'll get.

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First, find the subscription box on the left, enter your email address and click "subscribe."

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You'll be taken to a page hosted by FeedBlitz, our email-subscription vendor. Note that you're not restricted to just email subscriptions: You can also choose to have headlines delivered by Twitter, Skype, and AIM, among others.

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Make sure to confirm your subscription after you've subscribed. (The process varies depending on whether you choose email or another medium.)

What will we send you? The seven most popular stories of the week, once a week. We will also, very rarely, send you breaking-news alerts about truly momentous events in the world we cover.

Oh, and ads? Yes, of course. Valleywag is unabashedly capitalist. There will be ads in the emails; we may, eventually, if enough of you subscribe, send you separate emails with specific, thoughtfully targeted offers from advertisers. (A theoretical example: an invitation to a sponsored party.) What we won't do is sell your email address to an advertiser.