Deserve a promotion at Microsoft? You're not getting it without an MBA

In our post "Tech's 10 worst-rated CEOs, according to their employees" a Microsoft employee complains that the only way to get promoted is through "technical knowledge and political savvy." Not true, another Microsoft employee tells us. At least, not under Steve Ballmer's regime.
In the Bill Gates Microsoft you got promoted based on technical knowledge. Since ~2003/2004 when Bill really ceded to Steve, then you pretty much had to have marketing knowledge and AT LEAST an MBA. It actually makes people quite mad. There are a lot of people who deserve promotions, but won't get them until they have MBAs. Most of Microsoft software is split into three sections. Test, Dev, Management. Test and Dev tracts hit a wall eventually, there are no test or dev VPs. You can be a technical fellow if you are a dev, but not test.